The Game Warehouse Phenix City Al

The Game Warehouse Phenix City Al

This distribution facility is home to the well known sports apparel manufacturer “The Game” and had significant signs of foundation failure due to the evidence of settlement cracks visible in the CMU walls and floor slabs. Pair Foundation Solutions was called to assess the buildings current condition and to come up with a plan of repair to stabilize the building to prohibit further damage resulting from differential settlement.

Pair Foundation Solutions elected to install 24 Chance Helical Piers with underpinning brackets to transfer the building loads to a denser soil strata at depth. Chance material installed included RS2875.276 pipe shaft with a 10″-12″ helix to a target torque of 6,500 ft-lbs. All piers were terminated using a Chance Standard Underpinning bracket which allowed the building to raised within 1/8″ of it’s original elevation.

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