Foundation Underpinning

Foundation Underpinning


Foundation issues requiring underpinning can often take place beneath buildings both old and new. The course of time may cause structures to shift and, more often than not, the poor quality of the ground beneath the building is the reason. Underpinning techniques are the solution.

Our experience with underpinning solutions enables us to solve more complicated foundation problems. When project ground conditions are so poor that traditional underpinning is not possible we have the underpinning techniques to meet this challenge. Pair Foundation Solutions uses the industries best products combined with professional engineering to help you solve and stabilize defective foundations and structures.

Engineered for dependability and long-term stability, CHANCE® Civil Construction deep foundation systems provide high capacity piles to stop settling and cracking of commercial and industrial structures. Selected by load requirements and soil and structural conditions, CHANCE® helical piles and ATLAS™ Resistance Piers offer a wide range of capacities that are engineered to best fit the requirements of a project cost effectively.

CHANCE® helical piles and ATLAS™ Resistance Piers and are installed to stabilize foundations or to increase load capacities of existing structures. Independent of the structure, piles are installed to depths which attain the installing torque correlated to the required load capacity and beyond problematic soils.

Advantages to repairing foundations with CHANCE® Underpinning systems: